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Parents Well-being Significantly Impacts Their Autistic or Neurodiverse Child

When we adopted our daughter, Gabbi, her challenges resulted in significant stress and anxiety for my husband and me. At the age of four, we received her autism diagnosis, and that began our journey to find her the support she needed through therapies, medication, private schools, etc. These additio...

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Avoid Falling into Unconsciousness

In our world today, many things are happening due to our collective unconsciousness. When we are unconscious, we are acting from a place of disconnection from our highest spiritual selves.
As such, unconsciousness says and does things when we are in the “Red Zone” and experiencing negative emotions s...

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The Connection between a Parent and their Child's Mental Health

Autism is often stigmatized, impacting the emotional and mental well-being of both parents and their children. 50% of parents and 70% of autistic children face mental health challenges. The social stigma and misconceptions surrounding autism can impact parents' well-being, leading to feelings of iso...

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Think about What You are Thinking About

Most of us allow thoughts to drop into our minds randomly, without any control over what we are thinking. Our minds spend a lot of time replaying what has already happened, almost like a movie playing in our heads. Often, it’s a movie we wouldn’t particularly want to see again, because it reflects s...

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Nurturing Growth: Planting the Seeds of Resilience

May is the month in many areas of our country where plants are flourishing, and flowers are in full bloom. In the intricate tapestry of life, plants and flowers serve as a remarkable reminder of the profound significance of their roots - tucked away in the unseen depths of the soil, nurturing growth...

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How You Can Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

In his best-selling book “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”, Napoleon Hill shares the secrets to developing what he calls a Positive Mental Attitude (or PMA). We equate PMA to living in the Green Zone as many of the characteristics are equivalent to how Mr. Hill describes what having the r...

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What Do You Really Want?

We love to ask people what they want because we know the importance of being able to think, speak, and write down what it is that we do want. By the way, this doesn't only apply to the tangible things we want to create but also to how we want to feel.

We have realized that many people don't know wh...

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Loving Yourself Attracts More Love 

It’s common to think that loving ourselves will result in us being too arrogant or conceited.  There are people that can come across as arrogant, however that typically comes from a place of insecurity rather than a healthy love and respect for ourselves.  However, if you don’t love who you are, it’...

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April is the month when we celebrate those with Autism and other Neurodiverse diagnosis. There was a time early on in the journey with our daughter Gabbi, who was diagnosed with Autism at age four, that I did not think her diagnosis should be celebrated. I was more focused on trying to change her to...

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Discover the Power of Emotional Awareness

It’s easy to walk through life emotionally unaware, which is similar to being in an unconscious state. We can become reactive to things that happen to us or to how people treat us, or experience negative emotions and can’t really pinpoint where they are coming from. However, becoming emotionally awa...

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Benefits to Living a Green Zone Life

Why would you want to live in the Green Zone? Are the benefits worth the time and focus that you would need to dedicate to living a life spending more and more time in the Green Zone?

Although this way to live life takes deliberate intention and focus, with 15 to 30 minutes a day that you dedicate ...

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You Can Choose to be Happy Now!

It's easy to get into the habit of thinking that some future moment will be better, or provide us with more happiness. We can think thoughts such as, “I will be happy when…”:

I have that new job
I’m in that new home of my dreams
I have the relationship that I want
I have the car that I want

If you ar...

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