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You Become What You Think About autism empowerment neurodiversity positive thinking wellbeing

If you are unsure about what you are thinking about, just look around to see if you are surrounded by mostly positive or negative people and situations. Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed it as, “You become what you think about all day long.”

If you want to change what you see around you...

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Loving Yourself While Autistic- by Becca Lory Hector autism beccaloryhector neurodiversity neuroshifts wellbeing

Self-love is essential to our well-being. How we think about ourselves and how we treat ourselves impacts both our mental and physical health. Yet, despite the amount of time we spend thinking about loving others love in our lives, it never ceases to surprise me how little time we spend treating...

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You are the Hero of Your Story- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

If you read any book or see any movie, there is always a hero in the story. Usually, that hero encounters many obstacles and challenges throughout their journey. If you are like me, you find yourself rooting for them and hoping they find their way, no matter how difficult the circumstances may...

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You are Perfect as You Are- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

One of the things that is most common in the human experience is having a feeling of unworthiness, which translates to feeling like you are not enough or that there is something wrong with you. This feeling can keep good things from flowing into your life and can keep us stuck in a place of...

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What is My Purpose in Life?-by Vicky Westra

Oftentimes, people believe they should know what their purpose in life is, as if they should be born with this knowledge. When I was in High School, one of my friends (Marcela) seemed to know since 9th grade that she wanted to be an aeronautical engineer. However cool I thought that was at the...

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What You focus on, Expands autism neurodiversity neuroshifts wellbeing

Have you ever heard the expression “that which you focus on expands”? If you’ve never heard that expression, or never really thought about the importance of focus and what it can do for your life, it might be a good time to do so now.

For those of you who are Star Wars fans, you...

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Should we stay stuck in the Stigma around Autism?- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

Today, the stigma of Autism is alive and well! All we need to do to verify this is to Google the word “Autism” to see the results. Almost everything related to autism defines it by its challenges and negative outcomes. Things such as high unemployment rates, low independent living...

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Seek First to Understand- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking

Are you on the Autism Spectrum or have a child that’s been diagnosed? Then this gives you an opportunity to use the principle of “Seek first to Understand”. This applies to gaining an understanding of ourselves as well as our child.

In the bible in the book of Proverbs it says...

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Making the Shift for Autism (Parent/Caregiver)- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking vickywestra

Today, Autism is a very stigmatized diagnosis. I’m sure as a Parent or Caregiver of someone diagnosed with Autism, you already know this. All you have to do is to look at the current employment rate for individuals with Autism, research the diagnosis online to see how it is defined, or even...

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Focus On Autism’s “Uniqabilities”- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

When we think about Autism, our minds will typically go to the challenges that the diagnosis brings. The reason for this is because what we read and see on-line as well as through the media is typically slanted towards the challenges of the diagnosis vs. what we call it’s...

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Find the Gifts in the Challenges- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

Dear Shifter,

In life, we all face challenges. It’s part of the human experience. Believing that challenges should not be happening in our lives can cause us to suffer, as denial doesn’t allow us to fully accept what is happening. That’s where we spent much of our time after we...

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Create a Green Zone Life- by Vicky Westra autism employment neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking vickywestra wellbeing

When Pier and I first met it was love at first sight and we felt that we had each met our soul mate. Eventually, we got married and started to create our Green Zone Life, filled with joy, fun, excitement and adventure. We each had budding careers, purchased our first home and had plans for a...

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