Vicky and Pier spent many years of their life experiencing stress and anxiety with their daughter Gabbi , who was diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum at the age of four. 
Like many of the parent within the Neurodiverse community,
their stressors revolved around :



  • Gabbi’s Autism diagnosis 
  • How to address Gabbi’s behaviors while supporting her through the challenges she experienced
  • Their lack of understanding about how best to care for their own emotional well-being
  • Their feelings of isolation and a lack of understanding from their family and the broader community.

They call this environment “The Red Zone!”

However, over time and with a lot of focus, they developed the knowledge, tools and strategies to make the Shift to “The Green Zone!“

Whereby they now live in a place of positive expectation, joy, and having lots of fun!

We’d love to hear from you!

Submit your questions below for Vicky and Pier, who are here to support you in navigating the journey of parenting a neurodiverse individual. Everyone can use a bit of guidance, and Vicky and Pier are ready to offer fresh, positive perspectives.

Register Today for this FREE Session!

Please fill out the form below to receive your link to join the live session on Wednesday, August 28th at 5pm EST.Â